What We Do

TIS Petroleum (Asia) Pte Ltd continuously strives to streamline the business flow by purchasing directly With trading experience spanning close to a decade, TIS has maintained its from oil producers and selling directly to refineries. With trading experience spanning close to a decade, competitive edge and upheld its reputation as a prudent company. TIS Petroleum (Asia) Pte Ltd has maintained its competitive edge and upheld its reputation as a prudent company.


TIS Petroleum (ASIA) PTE LTD

TIS Petroleum (Asia) is active in trading crude around Southeast Asia, Middle East and as a result is widely registered with all the oil majors such as Exxon, Shell, as well as other national oil companies in the region like Pertamina, Petroleum Brunei, Petronas and PTT. TIS Petroleum strives to continue its competitiveness as a trading company and trusted partner in delivering crude oil to its customers.

We are the service provider that provides full-cycle service between buyers and sellers to accomplish the best service to our customers. Our full team ready to arrange the transportation of cargoes and minimize the shipping cost together with reducing the error. We are ensuring that our customers remain satisfied with the delivery service our business provides, as well as save the extra cost and invaluable time.


TIS Petroleum E&P Blora PTE LTD

TIS commenced entering the upstream business in 2018. Currently we are operating a Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia, which is located at Blora, Central Java. Under the guidance of SKK Migas, we are endeavoring to convert that exploration block into a development block, based on one successful exploratory well and two delineation wells. Furthermore, we are evaluating other blocks to
expand our upstream activities. Blora Block PSC is expected to be in production with Natural Gas and Condensate by 2022.