Blora Block

About Us

TIS Petroleum E&P Blora PTE. LTD.

At TIS Petroleum E&P Blora Pte. Ltd., we believe that our talent is our key asset for success in the industry. We continuously develop our best talent to unleash their full potential. Simultaneously, we maintain high standards in attracting and retaining our employees to become industry champions. To date, TIS has achieved a successful track record innurturing talent within the industry and providing extensive experience in fostering harmonious employment relationships.This remains our top priority, and we will continue to focus on achieving and developing this through our human capital management strategies.

Company Overview

TIS Petroleum E&P Blora Pte Ltd (“TIS”), Bumi Energy Blora Ltd (“BEB”), and PT. Sele Raya Energi (“SRE”) are Production Sharing Contract Contractors (Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama or “KKKS”) of the Blora Contract Area. Based on the approval of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in October 2019, TIS was appointed as the Operator in the Blora Contract Area. The KKKS of the Blora Contract Area is dedicated to becoming an upstream oil and gas company in Indonesia by obtaining a Production Sharing Contract to explore and develop the oil and gas resources in the Blora Contract Area.

As the Operator, TIS continued developing the Blora Contract Area and succeeded in drilling 1 well, namely RBG-3B in the RBG Field Block I of the Blora Contract Area located in Pranten Village, Gubug District, Grobogan Regency, Central Java Province in 2020. TIS obtained approval for the Plan of Development I of the RBG Field Block I of the Blora Contract Area (“POD I”) in October 2022.

After obtaining POD I approval, TIS conducted a re-entry of the RBG-3B well and worked on the construction of an early production facility (EPF). At the end of November 2023, the trial on the RBG-3B well and production facility (EPF) were conducted. The implementation of POD I until on-stream and commercial production has been successfully conducted by TIS within one year. This is an achievement for TIS and a form of high commitment from TIS to develop the Blora Contract Area.

The Participating Interest of Blora PSC

Our Vision

To become a leading and prudent Exploration and Production (E&P) Company in Asia.

Our Mission

To maximize oil and gas production in dedicated oil & gas fields.

Health Program (Stunting)

In the Community Development Program, TIS has decided to implement a Stunting Program to address issues related to malnutrition and developmental delays in children. Stunting, a condition where children experience growth and developmental differences compared to their peers, is a significant concern. Therefore, we have initiated a health program called the Stunting Program to provide vitamin assistance and collaborate with regional stakeholders tosupport children experiencing stunting or malnutrition in the Grobogan district. Our goal is to minimize the number of children affected by stunting and malnutrition in the TIS operational area.


The objective of this program is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated from the gas production process in the TIS Petroleum Operations area, thereby preserving air quality. Our strategy involves planting trees in stages throughout the TIS operational area, utilizing land designated by DLH Grobogan Regency.

This initiative will be conducted in collaboration with DLH Grobogan Regency and DLH Central Java Province to identify suitable land for planting trembesy tree seeds. In total, we aim to plant 2,182 seedlings in the EPF and an additional 8,739 in the FPF Stage.

Economics Program

We provide agricultural equipment assistance, such as tractors and rotaries, to support farming activities in Pranten Village and Gubug Village. Additionally, we supply agricultural seeds to these communities to ensure they have access to high-quality crops and can improve their harvest yields.

This program is essential because agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of Grobogan Regency, serving as a source of food, employment, and income for the community.


By providing equal opportunities, the company supports the creation of a more inclusive and fair society where every child has equal access to education to shape their future. Additionally, education can lay a strong foundation for the development of individual talents and potential, which, in turn, can contribute to the progress of the nation and the company itself.

Education donations as part of CSR reflect the company’s social responsibility to ensure that education does not become a limitation for the development of financially disadvantaged children.

Health Safety & Environment

Safety and Occupational Health are our core values. We maintain a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, customers, and the community in compliance with the company’s policies and procedures. We promote a positive attitude and culture towards safety and follow a systematic approach to environmental management planning in order to achieve continual performance improvement. We are committed to applying conservation of natural resources and efficiency programs, including tree planting, developing green belts, and promoting lush green surroundings at our locations to harmonize with nature. TIS Petroleum is strongly committed to ensuring that the actions and positive attitude of top management contribute to the continuous improvement of HSE performance.

Lapangan RBG Blok I berada di Kabupaten gas, BSFC* Grobogan sekitar 35 km dari Kota Semarang

Working Area: Blora Block (onshore gas field)

Contract Signed: 30 November 2009

Contract Period: 30 Years

Block Status: Production

First Production: Gas and Condensate on Desember 2023

Location: Central Java Province

Initial / Final Area: 5,014.77 sqkm / 1,002.67 sqkm (retained 20%)

PI Composition: Operator TIS 60% (Oct 2019), BEB 25%, SRE 15%

RGB Blok I Reserves Status (31.12.2022)

Fluid In-Places Ultimate Reserves Cumulative Production Reserves
1P 2P 3P
Oil/Condesate, MMSTB 1.8 0 1.8
gas, BSFC* 45 222 265 161 0 161

Production Field of Blora PSC (Upstream Asset)

Total Rev. RBG Block I : approx. US$ 470 Million

Net Rev. TIS Petroleum E&P Blora Pte Ltd (60%): Approx. US$ 136 Million

After deduction of GOI portion under PSC

Development Scenario RBG Block I

  • POD approved by Government in 2022.
  • RBG Block-I Field Development estimated full production on Q4 2026 with gas rate 30 MMSCFD
  • Total Development Well : 4 wells
  • Build new gas plant, maximum capacity of 30 MMSCFD, with high CO2 capability

Reserves & Resources

239,9 BSCF of Gas
4.3 MMstb of Condensate

Assessed by International Reserve of Consultant THREE60 ENERGY BHD SDN Who is recommended and approved by RBL in SOCGEN, ING BANK, & BNP PARIBAS